Friday, March 7

Weekend Mantra (1)

Artwork by Danny Galieote

I've been staring at my computer screen for about 20 minutes now, struggling to formulate an idea for this post. I originally wanted to incorporate my mantra for the weekend with the posts that I featured that week. But then I saw these pictures. They were circulating through my Tumblr feed and each time I saw them I understood the meaning a little bit more. It's horrifying that we live in a world where some women actually need protection, like mace, pocket knives, and possibly brass knuckles to prevent an attack from an unwanted male (not always the case). The first emotion I registered was anger because us women actually have to take these precautions. Immediately after, I experienced pride. Pride because we women don't take any bullshit and are finally taking the stand against this horrid injustice placed upon us. Pride because we ARE strong enough to overcome this and fight for equality. So my mantra for this weekend is to take pride in my femininity and exude that confidence to anyone I encounter. I encourage you to do the same (not only for females, everyone take pride in themselves because ILY!)